The 90-Day Date vs The Root Life

It’s interesting how I’ve come full circle, talking about 90 Day Fiancé again. Somehow, it always seems to spark some sort of discussion and conversation about matters of the heart. I started watching a new season of 90 Day fiancé and at that moment, realised that coincidentally, it had been 90 days, or three months, sinceContinue reading “The 90-Day Date vs The Root Life”

What sort of relationship are you in?

So I don’t often have charge of the TV and I also don’t have NETFLIX (whoa! I know, I know. What a boring life, how on earth do I survive ) I just might tell you all about it some other time. But for now, the TV does very well, thank you for your concern. …One of those few shows that I generally call my show is 90 Day Fiancé and one of my favourite spin offs so far is Before the 90 Days.

Wifey Material

No, don’t get upset at the title. I’m not about to give a list of what you should or should not do to become that domestic species for someone’s son. Actually, and here’s a fun fact, every time wife is mentioned in the old testament, it’s actually not “wife”.

Tall, Dark, Handsome

I fell out of love with my type.

Well, with one of my types because I sort of rotate them. Sometimes they are dark, sometimes they are not. Sometimes they are full of potential, other times they are full of money. Sometimes they are artsy, and still other times, they are nerdy.

“And I thought you were my friend”

So I have a theory. Sort of like the theory which says men and women can’t be friends. You know that theory (how I feel about it is another blog post for another day.) Well, my theory is this; that adults find it difficult to make new adult friends. They just stick to their oldContinue reading ““And I thought you were my friend””

Guilty As Grace!

All right, I feel like I should have done this ten years ago. Thanks a lot for the support, you are amazing! And yes, “guilty as grace” is the title of my new novel coming soon on 15 December, 2019. By the grace of God, of course! Many of you want to know what I’veContinue reading “Guilty As Grace!”