It Was Time

It was TIME
There were circles of chatter
Looks of amazement, dismay, wonder
Whispers and questioning looks
But never a doubt
Completely floored and awed
The big question was
The Father smiled and said
Because I’m madly in love with them

Hey Gabe, his best friend whispered
I heard you’ve got a job.
Did you really go to the old priest?
Gabe nodded-
It’s all in motion now
I’m off to the see the girl next
Nothing can stop the big plan now
So it’s true then!
He’ll become a baby?
A squirming, helpless baby?
Haven’t you heard? Don’t you know?
He’s always been madly in love with them.

Excited chatter
Low whispers
Glances at the throne
The Father’s right side was vacant
It was true?
Jesus had become man?
Not a king, not a prince
But a son of man
A baby in a manger
A baby born to a carpenter
Shall we tell the kings?
They wondered
No. He says to tell some shepherds
And put a sign in the sky for some strangers to follow

They peered and looked
There He was
A baby in a manger
Their King a Man
And for a second
As they saw and pondered
Just how much God loved the world
There really wasn’t a doubt
He was madly in love with them

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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